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Flood Damage in the United States, 1926-2003
A Reanalysis of National Weather Service Estimates

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  1. Search by typing words and phrases:

    impacts of errors and omissions on aggregated damage estimates

    The Inktomi search engine will find documents containing as many of these words and phrases as possible, ranked so that the documents most relevant to your query are presented first.

  2. Identify phrases with quotation marks, separate with commas:

    impacts of "errors and omissions" on "aggregated damage estimates"

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  3. Use UPPER case to indicate exact match:

    Impacts of Errors and Omissions on Aggregated Damage Estimates

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    • errors will find matches for errors and Errors
    • whereas a query for Errors will only match Errors.

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A report of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Weather Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Global Programs, pursuant to NOAA Award No. NA96GP0451 through a cooperative agreement. In partnership between the Environmental and Societal Impacts Group of the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado.

A report of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Weather Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Global Programs, pursuant to NOAA Award No. NA96GP0451 through a cooperative agreement. In partnership between the Environmental and Societal Impacts Group of the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado.

Contact Information Site Map Help Search.html Flood Damage in the United States, A Reanalysis of National Weather Service Estimates Flood Damage in the United States, A Reanalysis of National Weather Service Estimates National Center for Atmospheric  National Center for Atmospheric Research University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Center for Science and Technology Policy Research National Science  National Science Foundation National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Global Programs National Weather Service Home Page Search this Website