Flood Damage in the United States, 1926-2003 A Reanalysis of National Weather Service Estimates
National Data Set
Use the form below to acquire state-specific flood damage data. Select a year(s) from the dropdown menus, and choose whether you want the national flood damage data to appear as total current dollar values, total 1995 dollar values, or per capita 1995 dollar values.
Note: you can also download the National Data Set as an MS Excel file: [Download Excel File]
Multiple years can be selected in the following manner:
- Windows Operating System: Left click on a year and drag the mouse down (or up) while holding the Shift key to select a range of years. Click on individual years while holding the Ctrl key to select multiple, non-sequenced years.
- Macintosh: Left click on a year and drag the mouse down (or up) while holding the Shift key to select a range of years. Click on individual years while holding the Cmd key to select multiple, non-sequenced years.
- Solaris: Solaris users using Netscape 4.7x will have to left click to select (or unselect) individual years. A range of years can be selected in this manner as well as multiple, non-sequenced drainage basins or years. If you wish to select ALL the years, chose the "Select All" option from the drop down menus. Solaris users using Netscape 6.x may select multiple years (in a range or non-sequenced) using the method described below for the Linux operating system.
- Linux: Left click on a year name and drag the mouse down (or up) while holding the Shift key to select a range of years. Click on individual years while holding the Ctrl key to select multiple, non-sequenced years.