Roger Pielke, Jr. Testifies at Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works

July 15, 2013

"Climate Change: It's Happening Now," a hearing of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public WorksThe Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works invited Roger Pielke, Jr., to testify on July 18 at a full committee hearing entitled "Climate Change: It's Happening Now."

Pielke focused on the state-of-the-science linking extreme weather and climate change, including results from the IPCC Special Report on Extreme Events, released in 2012.

Live Webcast [Flash]

Witnesses were:

  • Dr. Heidi Cullen, Chief Climatologist, Climate Central [testimony]
  • Mr. Frank Nutter, President, Reinsurance Association of America [testimony]
  • CIRES Fellow Roger Pielke Jr., discussing known links between climate change and weather extremesMr. KC Golden, Policy Director, Climate Solutions [testimony]
  • Dr. Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute for Policy Research [testimony]
  • Dr. Robert P. Murphy, Senior Economist, Institute for Energy Research [testimony]
  • Dr. Jennifer Francis, Research Professor, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University [testimony]
  • Dr. Scott C. Doney, Director, Ocean and Climate Change Institute, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution [testimony]
  • Dr. Margaret Leinen, Executive Director, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida Atlantic University [testimony]
  • Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr., Professor, Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Colorado [testimony]
  • Sen. Barbara Boxer, who convened the hearing of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public WorksDr. Roy Spencer, Research Scientist, University of Alabama, Huntsville [testimony]

Photo 1: "Climate Change: It's Happening Now," a hearing of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
Photo 2: CIRES Fellow Roger Pielke Jr., discussing known links between climate change and weather extremes
Photo 3: Sen. Barbara Boxer, who convened the hearing of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works