Deserai Crow Receives New Grant Examining Recent Colorado Floods

October 17, 2013

Policy Learning and Political Context: Analyzing Responses to Colorado’s Extreme Flood Events of 2013

Deserai Anderson Crow and Elizabeth Albright (Duke University) are analyzing local-level policy responses to extreme flood events in the aftermath of Colorado’s 2013 floods. Policy learning in the wake of extreme events can at times lead to adaptation of local policies to increase the resilience of communities faced with risk from extreme events. By examining the occurrence of and response to extreme flooding events, this study seeks to illuminate the important factors explaining variation in local level policy learning in response to the extreme floods. This study, funded by a Quick Response Grant from the University of Colorado’s Natural Hazards Center, will involve a cross-case investigation of communities affected by the September 2013 floods in Colorado, and the community-level decisions made in response to those floods.