Ogmius Newsletter

Introduction to the Ogmius Exchange

This month’s exchange addresses a proposal by Robert Frodeman, a Research Scientist here at the CIRES Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, and Carl Mitcham of the Colorado School of Mines and a faculty affiliate of the Center for a “policy for the humanities” which would promote the contribution of the humanities to public life.  Frodeman and Mitcham argue that the humanities hold a largely untapped potential for contributing to science and technology policy debates over issues such as AIDS, climate change, and national security.  Responding to Frodeman and Mitcham is Malcolm Richardson of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Malcolm Richardson currently works with the Initiative for the Humanities and Culture at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.  He received a Ph.D. in history from Duke University in 1975 -- and quickly discovered the virtues of alternative career paths after a series of adjunct appointments. He writes on the history of philanthropy and financial support for the arts and the humanities.

For additional background see: