Ogmius Newsletter

Job Opportunities

Student Research Assistant

The Environmental and Societal Impacts Group at the National Center for Atmospheric Research is seeking a Student Assistant for a project studying how people use weather forecast information.  Primary duties will involve library and web-based background research, including finding, reading, and summarizing relevant materials, but can be extended to fit the student's skills and interests.


  • upper-level undergraduate (junior or above) or graduate student with physical or social science background and/or with relevant experience or interests.


  • 15-20 hours/week, beginning Jan or Feb 2003
  • $11-15/hour, depending on experience
  • location: 3450 Mitchell Lane, Boulder (near Foothills Pkwy and Valmont)

Contact: Rebecca Morss at morss@ucar.edu, 303-497-8172

RAA/CU Internship Program
for Graduate Students in Science and Policy

RAA/CU Internship Program LogoSponsored by the Reinsurance Association of America and the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Colorado

The goal of this program is to place emerging professionals in policy or scientific graduate programs with reinsurance companies for approximately 3 months over the summer (i.e., 15 May – 31 August). Reinsurers insure insurance companies for catastrophe losses and therefore provide the largest share of the financing for recovery from major natural catastrophes.  Much of their financial analysis is based on current scientific understanding about catastrophe risk. By placing graduate students into positions in the reinsurance industry the program seeks to increase the awareness of students to the reinsurance industry and expose the industry to highly skilled students in policy and the sciences.  A longer-term vision is greater interactions of the two communities.

The minimum qualifications for an applicant are completion of one year of graduate school in a scientific or policy field of study. 

The application procedure will consist of:

  • submission of college transcripts
  • resume
  • two letters of recommendation
  • and a 500-word statement explaining your interest in this program.

Students are expected to have a range of mathematical, computer, technical, or analytical skills in fields such as atmospheric science, geology, environmental policy, or chemistry, but will most likely have little knowledge of the workings of the reinsurance industry.  Interns will be expected to work full time during the period of their internship on topics that ideally, but not necessarily, would draw upon their skills and expertise in ways that contribute materially to the needs of individual companies.

To apply, send:

  • graduate and undergraduate college transcripts
  • Resume
  • three letters of recommendation from professors
  • a 500 word statement explaining your interest in this program
  • an email address and a telephone number, to:

    Attn: Joint Internship Program
    Center for Science and Technology Policy Research
    University of Colorado/CIRES
    1333 Grandview Ave, Campus Box 488
    Boulder, Colorado 80309-0488

Applications must be received by March 15, 2003. Please send an e-mail message notifying us of the mailing of your application to pielke@colorado.edu.


Swiss Re Position

Swiss Re LogoFor over 40 years Swiss Re has dedicated significant resources to studying and quantifying the economic effects of natural hazards. Our main function is to develop procedures for quantifying the anticipated economic and insurance losses due to the effects of natural hazards, notably earthquake, storm, flood, hail. This is accomplished by transforming empirical data, scientific, engineering, and financial knowledge into business related applications, e.g. probabilistic models or other tools. These tools are then used by the Cat Perils unit and the Swiss Re Group to evaluate and price the risks, and steer the Group's exposures to be within acceptable levels.

Swiss Re is responsible for transferring scientific research into application. Its projects are oriented toward its core business (insurance/risk transfer) but often go beyond the pure business aspect and as such are aligned with many world humanitarian organizations as well as the academic research community.   In the Americas Swiss Re has seven individuals situated in Armonk, New York who are part of a worldwide natural hazard team. Most members of this team have advanced degrees in one of the physical sciences, engineering, programming, finance, or insurance.

Swiss Re is searching for someone with strong credentials relating to Geophysics.  The position will be located in Armonk, New York.  The position will also collaborate on many cross-Atlantic projects with other Swiss Re earthquake experts located in Switzerland.  50% of the time this position will be involved in Research and Development with the remaining 50% being devoted to application and support.  The position would include some travel to Europe as well as within the Americas.

The candidate would learn our business and then work on and initiate projects relating to earthquake hazard and risk evaluation.  Our responsibility lies within the Americas, North, Central and South America.   Accordingly an understanding of the geophysical hazards and local conditions of this region is important.  Aside from good English skills a familiarity with Spanish or German is a plus.

We are looking for a highly motivated individual who can work in a team environment as well as individually, and someone willing to apply his or her skills within the private sector.  The ultimate responsibilities for the position are dependent upon the aspirations of the individual.  Contact Andrew_Castaldi@swissre.com and send a CV.  Swiss Re plans to fill this position sometime in the first - second Quarter of 2003.

Essential Responsibilities:

  • Understand and evaluate the geophysical hazards specific to North, Central, and South America
  • Provide R&D and client support directed at quantifying earthquake loss exposure on an event and probabilistic approach
  • Assist or lead in developing tools/technology for loss evaluation
  • Act as a liaison between the scientific community and Swiss Re
  • Problem solving and analysis

Ancillary Responsibilities

duties or activities that are not considered essential functions of the position but are responsibilities this position performs:

  • Aid in the catastrophe underwriting and pricing process
  • Represent SRA at various client and industry events
  • GIS
  • Understand cat modeling technology
  • Knowledge of the insurance industry


  • An advanced degree in geophysics or earthquake engineering.
  • Demonstrated superior problem recognition/definition, analytical and solving skills
  • Proficient in mathematics or statistics
  • Strong PC and software skills including data management and programming (Java, SQL,Matlob)
  • Very good English verbal and written communication and presentation skills
  • Demonstrated ability to make decisions utilizing sound judgment
  • Strong willingness to work in a team as well as work independently
  • Able to effectively manage own time and priorities
  • Highly motivated individual
  • Multilingual (preferably Spanish or German) and international experience