Ogmius Newsletter

Center Staff News

AAAS Annual Meeting logoThe Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) will take place February 13 – 18 in Denver, Colorado.  Two members of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research are organizing symposia.  Roger Pielke will lead a discussion entitled “The Politicization of Science: Learning from the Lomborg Affair” on Sunday, February 16, from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.  Other participants include Chris Harrison of Cambridge University Press, Naomi Oreskes of the University of California-San Diego, Charles Herrick of Stratus Consulting, and Daniel Sarewitz of Columbia University.

Photo of a hand holding a globeRad Byerly will lead a discussion entitled “Nuclear Waste: File and Forget?” on Tuesday, February 18, from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.  Other participants include Michael Telson of the University of California, Abraham Van Luik of the Department of Energy, Milton Russell of the University of Tennessee, Todd LaPorte of the University of California, Garry Brewer of Yale University, and Thomas Isaacs of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Abstracts of the talks are available at the meeting website.

Martyn Clark, along with John Pitlick of the University of Colorado Geography Department and Doug Kenney of the Natural Resources Law Center, is teaching a graduate level course at the University of Colorado this spring entitled “Climate, Water Resources, and Environmental Sustainability” which will explore climate and water resources of the western U.S.  He gave a presentation at the December AGU meeting entitled “Advances in Streamflow Forecasting Capabilities on Intra-Seasonal Timescales” describing improved methods of forecasting water availability in streams and rivers to help water managers make better decisions about how to use water resources.

Bob Frodeman gave a talk on January 13th titled 'Professing Philosophy, Practicing Philosophy' at the Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities.  His book, Geo-Logic, will be out in February.  Further information about Geo-Logic can be found on the publications page of the Center’s website.