Ogmius Newsletter

Graduate Student & ALUMNI News

AAAS “Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering” Workshop Competition

AAAS CompetitionThe Graduate Certificate Program in Science and Technology Policy of the CIRES Center for Science and Technology Policy Research organized a competition to select two CU students to attend the AAAS “Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering” workshop in Washington, D.C. April 12-15. At the workshop students learn about Congress, the federal budget process, and effective science communication, and have an opportunity to meet with their Members of Congress or congressional staff. The competition is supported by the University of Colorado Graduate School and Center for STEM Learning.

Through a highly competitive selection process Nicholas Valcourt (Civil Systems Engineering) and Thomas Reynolds (Chemical and Biological Engineering) were chosen as this year’s winners to attend the workshop. Congratulations Nicholas and Thomas!

Lydia Dixon and Adam Perou Hermans Chapters in New Book

bookCSTPR Ph.D. candidates Lydia Dixon and Adam Perou Hermans have chapters in the new book, A Fairytale In Question: Historical Interactions between Humans and Wolves, edited by Patrick Masius and Jana Sprenger, The White Horse Press, 2015. Lydia’s chapter is titled “Alaska Wild? Wolves in America’s Last Frontier,” and Adam’s chapter is titled “If You Wander in Winter, They Will Eat You: Local Knowledge, Wolves and Justice in Central Asia.”

Shali Mohleji AMS Report, A Prescription for the 21st Century: Improving Resilience to High-Impact Weather for Healthcare Facilities and Services

AMS reportCSTPR alum Shali Mohleji (Ph.D., ENVS, 2011) and the American Meteorological Society Policy Program released a report in 2014 on improving the resilience to high-impact weather for healthcare facilities and services. The study provides a broad risk management strategy to increase the resilience of health facilities such as hospitals, acute and long-term care. The report can be found on the AMS website.