Ogmius Newsletter

Center Talks and Events

CSTPR Noontime Seminar Series

The fall 2017 noontime seminar series is currently underway. All talks take place on Wednesdays at noon in the CSTPR conference room (unless otherwise noted), are free and open to the public, and most will also be webcast. Directions are available here. The schedule is as follows:

August 3, 2017 at *3:00 PM
New Coordinates for Environmental Documentary
Bienvenido León, School of Communication, University of Navarra (Spain), FIRST Scholar, CU Boulder

September 13, 2017 at 12:00 PM
Forests, Finance and Conservation: A Turn in US Climate Policy
Lauren Gifford, Geography, University of Colorado Boulder
Winner of the 2017 Radford Byerly Award

October 25, 2017 at 12:00 PM
Energy and Climate, The Making of a Citizen
Grant Couch, Citizen’s Climate Lobby

November 1, 2017 at 12:00 PM
The Socio-Spatial Dimensions of Disaster Risk in Mobile Home Parks: Learning from the 2013 Colorado Floods
Andrew Rumbach, Urban and Regional Planning, CU Denver

November 8, 2017 at 12:00 PM
*in the CIRES Auditorium*
Title TBA
Susan Avery, President Emeritus, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

The spring 2017 noontime seminars are also available for viewing on our webcast page. Below is a list of talks from the spring.

Supraregulatory Agreements and Public Perceptions of Unconventional Energy Development in Colorado
by Jessica Smith


Transitioning Research to Operations in an Applied Science Program
by Elizabeth McNie


The High Water Mark: Policy Lessons Learned from Colorado’s 2013 Floods
by Deserai Crow


Climate Change Politics and Machine Learning
by Justin Farrell


Machine Learning, Social Learning and Self-Driving Cars
by Jack Stilgoe


Anticipating Disaster: Local Dependence on Formal Climate Information vs. Traditional Ways of Knowing
by Sierra Gladfelter
