NCAR Downsizes Social Science Research (again)

August 6th, 2008

Posted by: Roger Pielke, Jr.

If the title of this post seems familiar, that is because you have seen it here not long ago. Inexplicably, NCAR has once again decided to cut costs by downsizing its social science efforts, this time by cutting its Center for Capacity Building and laying off all of its staff. Suprisingly, among the layoffs is NCAR Senior Scientist Mickey Glantz, who is a fixture of the climate impacts research community and a 34-year employee of NCAR. Here is a copy of the email that NCAR’s Director Eric Barron sent around (co-signed by UCAR President Rick Anthes) explaining the terminations:

Subject: message to staff
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 15:03:14 -0600
From: Eric Barron
To: (All UCAR Staff)

To All Staff,

The two of us travelled to Washington, DC on July 23 to discuss and review NCAR budget scenarios for FY09 with NSF. NSF and NCAR continue to face significant financial challenges. FY09 budget projections remain at 0% level over FY08 on top of 2004-2008 subinflationary NCARbase increments and NSF priority program requirements. There is also a high probability of a continuing resolution well into FY09, which beginsOctober 1, 2008. In this budget environment, NCAR and UCAR management must continue to take measures to plan for budgets based on NCAR and NSF strategic priorities. The dissolution of the Societal-Environmental Research and Education Laboratory (SERE) was part of our effort to reduce costs in this very difficult funding environment. Unfortunately, based on our most recent analysis, additional actions must be taken, and thus we are eliminating the NCAR Center for Capacity Building (CCB) program. This will save immediate and recurring direct and indirect costs. We very much regret the impacts this has on staff.

We have scheduled NCAR town meetings later this month so that we can discuss the financial, programmatic and scientific challenges and opportunities we will face together in the coming year. We welcome your ideas and contributions.

Eric Barron and Rick Anthes

2 Responses to “NCAR Downsizes Social Science Research (again)”

  1. Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. Research Group News » Comments On “Mitigate and Adapt - But Don’t Forget the Science!” by Rick Anthes Says:

    [...] recent firings at NCAR in the area of social sciences (see) highlights a conflict between those who have concluded that a top-down global climate model [...]

  2. 2
  3. Celebrity Paycut - Encouraging celebrities all over the world to save us from global warming by taking a paycut. Says:

    [...] recent firings at NCAR in the area of social sciences (see) highlights a conflict between those who have concluded that a top-down global climate model [...]