UCSD Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Science Studies
October 29th, 2004Posted by: admin
The UCSD Science Studies Program invites applications for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship as part of an NSF Research and Training Grant in “Proof, Persuasion and Policy.” We welcome candidates in any field represented in our program (history, philosophy, sociology, communication) whose research is relevant to the theme of the grant, particularly those whose work falls in one or more of the following areas: models and prediction, methodology of the social sciences, and disease and health. The fellow will participate in the Program’s weekly colloquium, teach or co-teach one course, help organize a workshop at the end of the year, and contribute to the intellectual life and activities of the program. Applicants must have completed Ph.D. before beginning their fellowship. The stipend is $40,200, plus health and other fringe benefits. For information on the UCSD Science Studies Program, and the “Proof, Persuasion, and Policy” initiative, see: http://sciencestudies.ucsd.edu/index.html.
UCSD is an AA/EOE. Scholars who are women, minorities, veterans, and/or people with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants who are not United States citizens should state their immigration status at the time of their application. Please send a detailed letter of application, c.v., and placement file or three letters of reference, to Ms. Dawn Murphy, Science Studies Program, MC 0104, University of California-San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0104. Review of applications will begin January 1, 2005 and continue until the position is filled.