Coping with Climate Change Symposium

April 3rd, 2006

Posted by: admin

For you local folks (from Bobbie Klein):

“Coping with Climate Change: A Symposium Highlighting Activities at the University of Colorado to Help Decision Makers Prepare for the Future” will identify and highlight research and other activities at the University of Colorado designed to assist decision makers in responding to and coping with the coming impacts of climate change. The symposium will feature several half-hour presentations from faculty and students in various CU departments and programs about in progress or planned activities. It will provide an opportunity to learn about climate change-related ?decision support? activities at CU, identify gaps and constraints in current activities, and discover possibilities for future research and collaboration.

The symposium will be held Tuesday, April 4, from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm in the CIRES Auditorium. It is free and open to the public – registration is not required. Stay for as many sessions as you like. Lunch provided.

For more information, a schedule, and directions visit the symposium website, or contact Bobbie Klein, Sponsored by the Western Water Assessment, a NOAA-CU project to provide usable climate information for decision making.

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