Blogging – Even Daniel Greenberg Does It
March 6th, 2008Posted by: admin
The Chronicle of Higher Education has a blog connected with its Review section. Called Brainstorn: Lives of the Mind, it collects the wisdom and musings of scholars in several fields. Among them is Daniel Greenberg.
If you’re a scholar of science policy, his name should be familiar. If it isn’t, stop reading blogs and check out his books. Perhaps best known for his book The Politics of Pure Science, Greenberg has written several books and articles about the American system of scientific research, mostly about how it is funded (or not) at the federal level.
If you’re still not sure about whom I speak, titles of his recent posts should suggest the tenor of his work:
Would a Department of Science Be an Improvement?”
Delusions on the Frontiers of Science
We’ve Got a Monster on the Loose: It’s Called the Internet
Whether you agree with him or not, Greenberg is worth reading. We could all use a contrarian viewpoint from time to time.