A Few Commentaries on Lomborg Debate
July 12th, 2005Posted by: Roger Pielke, Jr.
Last year I co-guest edited a special issue of Environmental Science and Policy on various dimensions of the debate over The Skeptical Environmentalist. Several comments responding to papers in that special issue have now been published, and we have set up a special WWW page for them:
1. Peter Dougherty, an editor at Princeton University Press, provides a commentary (PDF) on Chris Harrison’s paper (Chris edited TSE) Dougherty writes,
“The major point Chris Harrison makes in his account of the publication of Lomborg is that the reaction on the part of the book’s fiercest critics “went beyond the usual unpicking of a thesis and concentrated instead on the role of the publisher in publishing the book at all.” This is a highly unusual, but not unheard of, state of affairs in university press publishing. It invites a publisher to explore the considerations leading up to the publishing decision, and in this case the same publisher’s actions in defending its decision after the book’s publication. In both cases, Harrison’s account reflects a high degree of professionalism on the part of Cambridge University Press.”
2. Eva Lövbrand and Gunilla Öberg comment on papers by Dan Sarewitz and one that I wrote. They write (PDF),