Technology Policy Leaders in the Transition

November 19th, 2008

Posted by: admin

I wrote recently about the agency review teams involved in the transition.  In addition to those review teams there are also policy working groups.  These are chaired by members of the Transition Advisory Board and, as the name suggests, are more focused on policy initiatives for the incoming administration.  The transition website only lists single members for each policy area, but there are other members of each group.  I can only find information on the Energy and Environment team, courtesy of this web video posted yesterday.  There is not a strict correspondence between the review teams and the working groups, perhaps in recognition that various policy issues are not often single-agency concerns.

Names of note for readers of this blog include the leads for the Energy and Environment; Health; and Technology, Innovation, and Government Reform review teams.  Carol Browner, former head of the Environmental Protection Agency, will handle Energy and Environment.  Former Senator Tom Daschle (and apparently the intended nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services) will do the same for the Health group.  Finally, three individuals have responsibility for Technology, Innovation and Government Reform.  They are Blair Levin (former senior staff at the Federal Communications Commission), Sonal Shah (currently involved with’s global development work), and Julius Genachowski (former senior FCC staff).

If you have concerns about the people involved, or have other suggestions for the transition team, feel free to submit your comments at (you can submit general concerns in the American Moment section, or issue-specific concerns through the Agenda section).

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