Five Perspectives on Geoengineering, Including Mine

April 30th, 2009

Posted by: Roger Pielke, Jr.

Seed Magazine has five short perspectives on geoengineering up at their site, including my own. Here are the others whose perspectives are presented:

Will the Future Be Geo-Engineered? Our Panel Responds:

* Alex Steffen, environmental journalist and entrepreneur
* Robin Bell, marine geophysicist
* Ken Caldeira, geochemist
* Roger Pielke Jr., climatologist political scientist
* Maria Ivanova, environmental justice advocate

Link to Seed here. Comments welcomed.

FYI, I’ve asked them to correct my expertise. they must have me confused with someone else. [Update: Now corrected. Thanks Seed.]

5 Responses to “Five Perspectives on Geoengineering, Including Mine”


    I found this at Is he well known?

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    I can see how the Sarewitz/Nelson Criterion might be applied to the aerosols. In case of ocean fertilization I don’t see that it does. How can you distinguished between CCS at a coal plant and enhancing plankton growth? The coal or oil for that matter were after all created by photosynthesis. It’s recycling on a grand scale. Photosynthesis is already recycling a large part of our emissions. Using the Sarewitz/Nelson Criterion composting would fail. I think there is a popular mind set that classifies CO2 as a pollutant when it isn’t.

  4. 3
  5. stan Says:

    What the hell is an environmental justice advocate?

    Is it contagious? Is there a vaccine?

  6. 4
  7. Green Ink: Did We Say Next Week For Climate Bill? - Environmental Capital - WSJ Says:

    [...] Tell me what you really think about geoengineering to stave off the worst of climate change

  8. 5
  9. Trade Jim News » Green Ink: Did We Say Next Week For Climate Bill? Says:

    [...] Tell me what you really think about geoengineering to stave off the worst of climate change—Seed offers a five-way discussion. Hat tip. [...]