Open For Questions Model Spreads to States
April 13th, 2009Posted by: admin
Washington State (or at least the Democrats in its Senate) is using an online tool similar to those used by the Obama transition and the Administration to take questions from the public. The Evergreen State’s version of Open for Questions is focused on the state’s budget (H/T Internet Innovation Alliance), and works with Google Moderator. If trends with these tools hold to past practice, expect some attempt to raise money through legalized marijuana to show up on the board (No, I am not making that up).
It would not surprise me if other states are at least trying similar online tools to engage with constituents. The Washington example is the first one similar to national efforts that crossed my screen. A useful policy question would be whether or not such efforts can comply with state public records laws. Such concerns at the federal level have complicated the push (both now and before the Obama Administration made it a priority) to move more government information and activity online.