Climate Change Politics & Policy

Week 4

Monday, July 30

  • news tweets #8

Required Readings

Hoffman, A. J. (2015). How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate Stanford University Press, Preface & Chapter 1 (pp. vii-14)

Ayling, J. and Gunningham, N. (2015). Non-state governance and climate policy: the fossil fuel divestment movementClimate Policy, 1-15.

Rabe, B. G. and Mills, S. B. (2017). State energy policy in the Trump Era: insights from public opinionJournal of Environmental Studies and Sciences7(4), 535-539.

Tuesday, July 31

  • co-facilitation #6

Required Readings

Hoffman, A. J. (2015). How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate Stanford University Press, Chapter 2 (pp. 15-33) and Chapter 3 (pp. 34-47)

Farrell, J. (2015). Network structure & influence of climate change counter-movementNature Climate Change.

Brulle, R. J. (2014). Institutionalizing delay: foundation funding and the creation of U.S. climate change counter-movement organizations. Climatic Change, 122:681–694.

Wednesday, August 1

  • news tweets #9

Required Readings

Hoffman, A. J. (2015). How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate Stanford Univ Press, Ch 4

Fisher, D. (2013). Understanding the Relationship between Subnational and National Climate Change Politics in the United States: Toward a Theory of Boomerang Federalism, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 31(5) 769-784

Leggett, J. (2015). The Winning of the Carbon War: Power and politics on the front lines of climate and clean energy Creative Commons: Mountain View, CA. Chapters 22, 23 & 24

Thursday, August 2

  • co-facilitation #7

Required Readings

Hoffman, A. J. (2015). How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate Stanford University Press, Chapter 5 (pp. 70-80) and Chapter 6 (pp. 81-90)

Luers, A. (2013). Rethinking US climate advocacyClimatic Change120(1-2), 13-19.

Gilmore, E. A. and St. Clair, T. (2017). Budgeting for climate change: obstacles and opportunities at the US state levelClimate Policy, 1-13.

Friday, August 3

  • final negotiations (negotiator statements, questions and exchanges) and final decision

Required Readings

Leggett, J. (2015). The Winning of the Carbon War: Power and politics on the front lines of climate and clean energy Creative Commons: Mountain View, CA. Chapters 25, 26 & 27