Science and Technology Policy
ENVS 5100

Requirements of the Course

Seminar Format

The course is a seminar, which means that we each share responsibility for participation and leadership.  There are a considerable amount of readings in the course and consequently the course has been structured in a way to allow for sharing responsibility for learning.  The formal requirements of the course include informal weekly one-pagers, frequent opportunities for student-led classes and presentations, attendance at several outside-class events and an individual term project.


There are a lot of readings for this class, and many more will be made available for those interested in pursuing issues further.  All required articles will be made available either via hyperlink (which may need to be accessed from an on-campus server). by email or from the course WWW site, and most in PDF or HTML format. If you have any difficulties obtaining the readings, please just send me an email.

There are four books that we will read for the class and one is recommended as optional:

ORDER THESE TODAY. You are responsible for obtaining access to these books. My experience is that the online retailers offer the cheapest and fastest means of delivery, but they should also be available at the CU Bookstore.

Guest Speakers

As opportunities allow we may have guest speakers join us from time-to-time. If you’d like to recommend a guest, please do so, and I will be happy to try to accommodate.

So far we have:

  • Keith Kloor, science journalist
  • Alice Dreger, Northwestern University
  • Jan Marco Mueller, European Commission

Weekly One Pagers

Every week you are expected to turn in a one-page essay.  The essay will be due every Thursday to be submitted via the course email list-serv:

You might consider addressing the following two items in your submission:

1. The most important thing I learned from the class discussion and/or readings was . . .
2. The thing I still don’t understand is . . .

You are of course free to discuss any topic related to the class beyond these two questions as well.

The purpose of this exercise is to allow you an opportunity to discuss aspects of the readings, integrate other material with the week’s focus, or to raise questions about what was unclear or unanswered by the readings.  A secondary purpose is to ensure that you have an opportunity to provide me with feedback on the readings and your progress/satisfaction in the course.

The first submission is due August 27 and the final one is due December 10. No submission is expected November 26, which is Thanksgiving.

These are very important.

Periodic Assignments

There will be periodic assignments throughout the term. Several are already listed on the syllabus, there may be more.

Outside Events

There are a wide range of science and technology policy events always going on in Boulder.  This fall we will have a seminar series organized by the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research. Let’s share responsibility for announcing upcoming events in class and via the email list.