‘Doing Political Ecology’ seminar:
ENVS 5909

Syllabus for ENVS 5909
University of Colorado
Fall Semester 2012

Maxwell Boykoff


Lecture and discussion sections meet in IBS 5 conference room (View Map)

Class Time: Wednesdays 11–11:50am

Office Hours and Contact Information
Office Hours:

Wednesdays 8:30–10:30am

Location: CIRES Center for Science and Technology Policy, 1333 Grandview Avenue, Office #201 (View Map)
Phone: 303-735-6316
email: boykoff@colorado.edu


This interactive seminar will consider tools of political ecology as they relate to participants’ ongoing research explorations. There are many derivations of political ecology, and our seminar here will explore them while considering what it ‘does’. By way of Piers Blaike and Raymond Bryant, political ecology works through "the interaction between changing environments and the socio-economy, in which landscapes and the physiographic processes acting upon them are seen to have dialectical, historically derived and iterative relations with resource use and the socio-economic and political sets of relations that shape them" (1999, 132). We will also draw on insights from Paul Robbins who speaks of political ecology as critique (‘the hatchet’), and as equity/sustainability research (‘the seed’) (2004, 12-13).


Course Information

Course Requirements
Course Schedule
CU Policies
Course Syllabus [PDF]