Ogmius Newsletter

Guide to Center Websites

Our home page provides information about Center activities as well as links to other science and technology policy-related resources. Links on the left side of this page describe the Center’s research areas of science policy, technology assessment, and technology policy. Other links include information about the Center, a downloadable.pdf version of the Center brochure, information about Center staff and how to contact us, a downloadable.pdf version of Ogmius, access to staff publications (most of which are available online), listings of educational, media, and web resources, and a compilation of recent news items mentioning the Center or its staff. On the right side of the home page, one can access Center project sites (currently the ASPEN program, Global Climate Change and Society, and the Western Water Assessment). These links will continue to expand as new projects are developed. Finally, the “quick click” links along the bottom of the page take you directly to the ASPEN program projects (SOCASP, Weatherzine, Use and Value Bibliography, and Extreme Weather Sourcebook), as well as our science and technology jobs page. Our websites are continually “under development” in an effort to provide the most valuable and accessible information about the Center, so please don’t hesitate to contact us with suggestions for improvements!