Other Opportunities
Global Climate Change and Society 2002 Application Deadline
Global Climate Change and Society (GCCS) is a cooperative program between academia (the University of Colorado) and a government laboratory (the National Center for Atmospheric Research). Its goal is to introduce a group of undergraduates in the physical sciences, humanities, and social sciences to the constellation of perspectives surrounding the use of numerical climate models. Students will gather and evaluate scientific data and investigate the social, political, psychological, economic, and philosophical issues surrounding the interpretation and use of these data for addressing contemporary controversies over global climate change.
Applications are being solicited for the 2002 session to be held in Boulder, Colorado, from June 17 to August 9. Prerequisites are one course each in the physical sciences and philosophy, junior or senior standing, and a minimum GPA of 3.2. Send college transcripts, a resume, two letters of recommendation from professors, a 500 word statement explaining your interest in this program, an e-mail address, and a telephone number to:
Global Climate Change and Society
Center for Science and Technology Policy Research
University of Colorado/CIRES
1333 Grandview Ave, Campus Box 488
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0488
Applications must be received by March 15, 2002. Please note that this program is open to U.S. citizens only. Applicants are encouraged to read the Program Details before applying. Please send an e-mail message notifying us of the mailing of your application to gccs@colorado.edu.
For additional information please contact: gccs@colorado.edu.