Recent Publications
Recent or forthcoming publications of Center staff:
Robert Frodeman
The Search for Balance in the Public Support for Science (with Carl Mitcham), Technology in Society, 23(4) forthcoming 2002 ("Science and Technology Policy" volume).
What is it Like to be a Geologist? (with Thomas Raab), Philosophy and Geography, forthcoming Spring, 2002.
Roger Pielke Jr.
Downton, M. and R. Pielke, Jr., 2001: Discretion Without Accountability: Climate, Flood Damage and Presidential Politics, Natural Hazards Review, 2(4):157-166.
Pielke, Jr., R. A., 2002 (in press): The role of models in prediction for decision. Book chapter prepared for Cary Conference IX: Understanding Ecosystems: The Role of Quantitative Models in Observations, Synthesis, and Prediction.
Bobbie Klein
Wolf recovery in the Northern Rockies, in Brunner, R.D. (ed.), 2002 (in press): Finding common ground: Governance and natural resources in the American West. Yale University Press.
Martyn Clark
Clark, M.P., L.E. Hay, G.J. McCabe, G.H. Leavesley, M.C. Serreze, and R.L. Wilby, 2002 (in press). The use of weather and climate information in forecasting water supply in the western United States.Chapter, Managing Western Water Resources in an Uncertain Climate, University of Colorado Press.
Click Here for a complete listing of center publications.
For copies of articles, please contact the author or Ami Nacu-Schmidt at