Introduction to the Ogmius Exchange
In each issue of the Ogmius newsletter we plan to include an exchange among leaders in the science and technology policy community. We welcome your suggestions for topics or participants for future exchanges.
This month we present an exchange between Radford Byerly of the CIRES Center for Science and Technology Policy Research and formerly Chief of Staff for the U.S. House of Representatives Science Committee, and M. Granger Morgan, Head of the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. The subject of the exchange is science and technology advice for Congress, and specifically a proposal made by Professor Morgan and colleagues for the reestablishment of the U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment, which was terminated in 1995. Their proposal was based on a workshop.
For additional background see:
Lepkowski, W. 2001. The restless mummy (April 14) and The Mummy blinks (June 26), Center for Science, Policy and Outcomes.
The IPTS Report, Special issue on the provision of Scientific Advice, December 2001
D. Guston, 2001. Science and Technology Advice for the Congress: Insights from the OTA Experience, Center for Science, Policy and Outcomes.
Physics Today, Legislation to Revive OTA Focuses on
Science Advice to Congress, October 2001
The Hill news, Lawmakers see need for experts on science, technology, 2 January 2002