Ogmius Newsletter

Center Talks & Presentations

Steve Rayner Visit

Photo of Steve RaynerSteve Rayner, James Martin Professor of Science and Civilization and Director of the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society at Oxford University’s Saïd Business School, visited the Center for a week in October.  Steve was kept busy that week giving the keynote address at the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute’s Third Annual Research Symposium titled “Finding the Right Trousers: Radically Rethinking Climate Policy and Low Carbon Energy” (available online) and the CIRES Distinguished Lecture titled “The Problem of Uncomfortable Knowledge in Science Policy Debates.”  Steve also participated in an ENVS Colloquium on Geo-engineering.

Noontime Seminar Series
  • Deserai Anderson Crow gave a talk on October 19Yohei Mitani, The Effects of Ecological Information Provision, December 7.
  • Marilyn Averill, The Role of the Judiciary in U.S. Climate Policy, November 16.
  • Ursula Rick, Sea Level Rise as a Climate Change Metric, November 2.
  • Max Boykoff, Inconvenient Celebrity? Celebrities and Climate Change, Oct. 26.
  • Deserai Anderson Crow, Recreational water rights in Colorado, October 19.
  • Rad Byerly, The Colorado Air Quality Control Commission, October 5.
  • Sonia Akter, Climate change mitigation in Australia, September 28.
  • Robert Frodeman, What is interdisciplinarity?, September 21.
  • Krister Andersson, Community Self-Governance of Forests in Bolivia, September 14.

This series was co-sponsored by the CIRES Center for Science and Technology Policy Research and the Institute of Behavioral Science, Environment and Society Program

To see a complete list of talks being held see our events page. To be notified of upcoming talks join our mailing list.

Other Talks and Presentations by Center Faculty and Students
  • The First 300 Days Panel Discussion on September 3Benjamin Hale, Nonrenewable Resources and the Inevitability of Outcomes, ISEE Meeting, December 30.
  • Ursula Rick, Relative Magnitude of Mass Change Mechanisms on the Greenland Ice Sheet, December 18.
  • Lisa Dilling, Providing policy-relevant information for greenhouse gas management, December 16.
  • Max Boykoff, AGU Workshop on Communicating Climate Change: Media, Dialogue, and Public Engagement, Dec. 13.
  • Maxwell Boykoff, NOAA Seminar: The cultural politics of climate change: Focusing on mass media, December 9.
  • Benjamin Hale, Assessing the Mitigation and Remediation Options, COP15, December 7-18.
  • Maxwell Boykoff, Who Speaks for the Climate? Historical Account of Media Coverage of Climate Change, December 4.
  • Maxwell Boykoff, Cultural Politics and Climate Change, Oxford University, December 1.
  • David Cherney, Yellowstone’s Saviors? Nongovernmental Organizations in Policy and American Democracy, October 24.
  • Max Boykoff, Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Meeting, October 9.
  • Max Boykoff, Signals and noise: examining media representations of climate change, September 25.
  • Lisa Dilling and Roger Pielke, The First 300 Days: An Assessment of Obama's Energy and Climate Policy, Panel Discussion at CU, September 3.
  • Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, University of Colorado-Boulder, August 6-9.