Ogmius Newsletter

Center News

Job Opening at CSTPR/SPARC Research Associate

SPARC logoThe Science Policy Assessment and Research on Climate (SPARC) project is currently recruiting for a research associate.  The successful candidate will conduct research on science policies for adaptation to climate change.  This research will include evaluating the current supply of scientific and other information being generated for adaptation, as well as examining the demand for such information from those sectors and individuals who might be in a position to make decisions about adaptation on the ground.  The research will therefore include a wide variety of methods, including reviewing reports, policy documents, scholarship and workshop findings, interviewing science policy decision makers as well as resource managers and others who may be considering or implementing adaptation measures, and other methods as appropriate. Institutional relationships, programmatic processes, and topic areas will also be examined.  The position will be located in the CIRES Center for Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Colorado in Boulder.  For more information and to apply: Go to jobs@CU using this link to apply.

2004-2009 World Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change or Global Warming

2004-2009 World Newspaper Coverage of Climate ChangeThe Center has a new website that tracks newspaper coverage of climate change or global warming in 50 newspapers across 20 countries and 6 continents.  Max Boykoff and Maria Mansfield first assembled this figure while conducting research at the University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute. Boykoff is now here at the University of Colorado-Boulder, and Mansfield is at Exeter University in the UK. They will continue to update this figure on a monthly basis as a resource for journalists, researchers, and others who may be interested in tracking these trends.


New Blogs by Center StaffCruel Mistress Blog

The Center’s Ben Hale recently launched a new blog, Cruel Mistress. The blog “offers a discussion of environmental ethics, interspersed with links to articles about policy and philosophy, all aimed at covering what are to me the most interesting areas of academic study: ethics, policy, and the environment.”  Check out the latest entry in the Center’s blogging community.



Counter Offensive BlogThe Center’s David Cherney also recently launched a new blog, The Counter Offensive: Policy Science, and the Environment.  The blog “aims to be part of Lasswell’s counter offensive; aspires to help us see the forest in addition to the trees. The majority of content will focus on areas about: the environment, environmentalism, science policy, nonprofits, wildlife policy, and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.”


Benjamin Hale co-editor of Ethics, Place & Environment

Ethics, Place & EnvironmentBenjamin Hale recently accepted co-editorship of the journal Ethics, Place & Environment where he will serve with Andrew Light (George Mason University and Center for American Progress), one of the journal's founders. They plan to strengthen the journal's focus on environmental policy, ethics, and philosophy, and will encourage environmental philosophers to engage in applied research on environmental problems. They invite members of the decision-making community with an interest in issues at the cross-section of policy and ethics to submit an article.  Volume 12, Issue 3 of Ethics, Place & Environment (which Ben co-edited with Andrew Light), is now out. You can read about this issue on Ben’s blog.

The next issue of Ethics, Place & Environment will have many more of our faculty, including its editorial assistant, Sarah Leshan, on the masthead. Links to articles can be found here.

Honest Broker Reviewed

Roger Pielke’s book The Honest Broker continues to receive positive reviews.  Don Monroe states: “Pielke's short, readable book provides a helpful guide for what we can hope for in policy debates involving science, and how scientists can most productively contribute. What we can't hope for is a single, science-endorsed answer to complex issues that trade off competing interests and conflicting values. For that, we have politics.”  To read the entire review click here.