Ogmius Newsletter

Center EventS

Noontime Seminar Wraps Up 9th Year

The Center’s noontime seminar series was launched in the fall of 2002 as a means of sharing science policy-related research at the Center and elsewhere at CU. The series’ theme this year was “decision making under uncertainty”. A sample of the talks by faculty, graduate students and visitors include: “Quantification of the Treatment of Uncertainty by the IPCC AR4”, “Dryness and Desperate Measures: Ranching, Land Tenure, and Drought Coping in the Rocky Mountain West”, and “Inundation or Ignorance? Public Perception of Storm Surge Risk.” We are currently planning our fall schedule which will focus on water, climate, sustainability and innovation. To be placed on our events mailing list and receive news of upcoming events, join our mailing list. See you in the fall!

View our Noontime Seminar Series photo gallery.

Roger Bilham
'Global earthquake fatalities: Nature vs. Human nature' by Roger Bilham, March 3, 2011

Campus 2 Congress with Colorado Congressman Jared Polis

On April 29 Colorado Congressman Jared Polis was at the Center to talk to CU students and answer questions about climate politics and policy.

In 2008, Jared Polis was elected to the 111th Congress, representing Colorado's second congressional district. He currently serves on the House Rules Committee and the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee and is a Democratic Caucus Regional Whip.  He is a charter member and vice-chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environmental Coalition, the Chair of the Immigration task-force of the Progressive Caucus, and an honorary Co-Chair of Third Way.

View photo gallery of this event.

Jared Polis

Center Talks and Presentations

Colorado Conference on Earth System Governance: Crossing Boundaries and Building Bridges

Max Boykoff, Lisa Dilling, Christina Kirchhoff, and Kelli Archie participated in the Colorado Conference on Earth System Governance 17-20 May 2011 at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. This conference is part of a global series organized by the Earth System Governance Project, a ten-year research program under the auspices of the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP). The Colorado Conference on Earth System Governance is hosted jointly by the Environmental Governance Working Group and the School of Global Environmental Sustainability at Colorado State University along with the IHDP Earth System Governance Project. Christine Kirchhoff and Lisa Dilling presented “Managing Water Resources in a Changing Climate: Understanding Drivers and Constraints to Adaptation Policy and Planning across Scales and Levels of Decision Making.” Kelli Archie and Lisa Dilling presented “Climate Change Adaptation and Western Public Lands: Do Decision Makers Have the Information and Tools They Need to Govern?” Heike Schroeder and Max Boykoff presented “Analysing the makeup and discourse of UNFCCC national delegations through 15 years of COPs.”

CEESG logo

Roger Pielke Jr. on 9News YOUR SHOW

Roger Pielke, Jr., appeared on 9News YOUR SHOW to discuss climate change and global warming and to answer audience questions.

9news logo

Roger Pielke, Jr. Participated in Lecture at University of Hamburg

On May 4 Roger Pielke, Jr. participated in a lecture at University of Hamburg on "Climate Science in a Democratic Society". Jerry Ravetz of Oxford University gave the keynote speech and Jeroen van der Slujs, Hans von Storch, and Beate Ratter were part of the discussion along with Roger.


Roger Pielke, Jr. Discusses The Climate Fix

On February 25 Professor Matthew Nisbet interviewed author Roger Pielke about his new book, The Climate Fix: What Scientists and Politicians Won't Tell You About Global Warming. Roger also spoke about his book to the MIT Energy Club, the Pacific Climate Seminar Series, and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipziger.


2011 Illahee Lecture: Fixing Climate Through Energy Innovation, by Roger Pielke, Jr.

On February 3, 2011 Roger Pielke, Jr. took part in the Portland-based Illahee Lectures “Innovation for Public Good". The series includes thought leaders in climate policy, sustainability, biotechnology, food systems, economics and governance.

The Climate Fix