Ogmius Newsletter

Graduate Student News

Congratulations to Our Grads!

A huge congratulations to our May graduates, Dave Cherney (Ph.D., Environmental Studies) and Kristin Gangwer (Masters, Geography). Shali Mohleji will receive her Ph.D. in Environmental Studies in August. While we are excited to see them complete their degrees, we will miss their outstanding contributions to the Center as illustrated below.


Dave Cherney Featured in U.S. News and World Report on Best Graduate Schools

Recent Center grad Dave Cherney was featured in U.S. News and World Report’s Best Graduate Schools issue. Dave explains why he chose to pursue his graduate degree in environmental studies at CU-Boulder:

Excerpt: I am grateful that my professors not only are renowned experts in their fields, but they genuinely care about their students' education. They have encouraged me to pursue my doctoral dissertation on a topic about which I am highly passionate—conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. They are true mentors in my educational journey, helping me to sharpen my critical thinking and practical problem-solving abilities… Read more ...

University of Colorado

Graduate Student Presentations

Kristin Gangwer Presented“Ranching and Drought in the Rocky Mountain West”

Recent Center grad Kristin Gangwer gave a presentation at the Center’s March 31 noontime seminar series on her Masters thesis titled “Dryness and Desperate Measures: Ranching, Land Tenure, And Drought Coping In The Rocky Mountain West.”

Shali Mohleji Presented “Gaining from Losses: Using Disaster Loss Data as a Tool for Appraising Natural Disaster Policy”

Ph.D. candidate Shali Mohleji presented her dissertation defense, “Gaining from Losses: Using Disaster Loss Data as a Tool for Appraising Natural Disaster Policy”, on May 26. Shali will receive her degree in Environmental Studies this August.

Kristin Gangwer

Center Graduate Student John Berggren’s Daily Camera Editorial:
“The Regional Watershed Supply Project: The wrong precedent on water”

Center Graduate Student John Berggren wrote an editorial for the Boulder Daily Camera on May 1, 2011 titled “The Regional Watershed Supply Project: The wrong precedent on water."

Excerpt: The American Southwest continues to be one of the fastest growing regions in the country, despite a limited availability of freshwater. As water budgets tighten, municipalities and developers now look to diversion projects that were once considered outlandish, irresponsible, and maybe even impossible. A $2.8 billion pipeline that can pump 250,000 acre-feet annually for 578 miles across state lines almost seems laughable. Almost. In reality, however, that is a proposed project that is currently undergoing NEPA review to bring water from Flaming Gorge Reservoir in Southwestern Wyoming to Front Range cities and farmers here in Colorado. If the man who envisioned this project has his way, the Regional Watershed Supply Project (RWSP) could begin pumping water by 2020 ... Read more ...

John Berggren