Ogmius Newsletter

S&T Opportunities

Gordon Research Conference
Science and Technology Policy in Global Context
August 5-10, 2012
Waterville Valley Resort
Waterville Valley, NH

The global context for science and technology policies is changing quickly. Knowledge is flowing around the world ever more freely. International collaboration is growing in every field. Economies that have traditionally grown through innovation face new competition from rising economic powers. Intellectual property regimes are in flux and under attack. Scientists and engineers trained in Europe and North America are returning to their regions of origins more often. Science and technology are embroiled in global regulatory issues like the ground rules for nanotechnology and synthetic biology, renewable and nuclear energy, and access to essential medicines.

GRC logo

The 2012 Gordon Research Conference on Science and Technology Policy will delve deeply into this range of issues, asking how the questions and answers of science and technology policy need to change in response to international developments. The program will tap the best recent research on the global dimensions of research, innovation, human resource, and regulatory policies, as well as perspectives from S&T policy practitioners from around the world.

The 2012 GRC on Science and Technology Policy will also offer for the first time a Gordon Research Seminar organized along the theme of the symposium, which will be held immediately preceding the GRC on Science and Technology Policy. Junior investigators, such as students, postdocs, and trainees, are encouraged to attend.

Application Deadline
Applications for this meeting must be submitted by July 8, 2012. Please apply early, as some meetings become oversubscribed (full) before this deadline. If the meeting is oversubscribed, it will be stated here. Note: Applications for oversubscribed meetings will only be considered by the Conference Chair if more seats become available due to cancellations.

Related Meeting Information
The Science & Technology Policy Gordon Research Conference will be held in conjunction with the Science & Technology Policy Gordon Research Seminar. Those interested in attending both meetings must submit an application for the GRS in addition to an application for the GRC. Please refer to the Science & Technology Policy GRS web page for more information.

Preliminary Program
A list of preliminary session topics and speakers is currently being developed by the Conference Chair and will be available by December 1, 2011. Please check back for updates at the GRC website.

Science in Society 2011 Conference
The Catholic University of America
Washington D.C.
5-7 August 2011

This conference addresses the social impacts, values, pedagogies, politics and economics of science. It is an inclusive forum that welcomes a breadth of perspectives on science from practitioners, teachers and researchers representing a wide range of academic disciplines.

Science in Society logo

In addition to Plenary Presentations from leading speakers in the field, the Science in Society Conference includes parallel presentations by practitioners, teachers and researchers. We invite you to respond to the conference Call-for-Papers.

Presenters submit their written papers for publication in the peer refereed "International Journal of Science in Society". If you are unable to attend the conference in person, virtual registrations are also available which allow you to submit a paper for refereeing and possible publication in the journal as well as the option of uploading a video presentation to our YouTube channel.

Future deadlines will be announced on the conference website for the next round in the call for papers. Proposals are reviewed within two weeks of submission. Full details of the conference, including an online proposal submission form, may be found at the conference website.