Ogmius Newsletter



Roger Pielke Testifies before U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Subcommittee on Environment

Roger Pielke, Jr.On December 11 Roger Pielke, Jr., testified before the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Subcommittee on Environment, about “A Factual Look at the Relationship Between Climate and Weather”. His testimony can be viewed here.

Center News

Max Boykoff Figure Used By CNN

CNNMax Boykoff’s figure on US Media Coverage of Climate Change/Global Warming was used in a recent CNN news segment: Media’s global warming fail featuring Philippe Cousteau and Andrew Revkin.

Center News

Max Boykoff Helps the New York Times Assess Its Climate Change Coverage

New York TimesMax Boykoff weighed in on recent changes that The New York Times made to its climate change coverage. Max, who tracks media coverage of climate change, found that The Times’ print edition published a third fewer articles in which climate change featured prominently this year compared to last year. However, the amount of news coverage often corresponds to particular events or controversies. Read more...

Center News

Roger Pielke Launches New Research Program on the Science, Technology, Policy and Politics of Sport

STePPSScience, Technology, Policy and Politics of Sport, STePPS is a new project of the CIRES Center for Science and Technology Policy Research. It is focused on the governance of sport, with a special emphasis on the roles of science and technology in how sport is governed. STePPS will focus on original research, university education and outreach to the broader community. We have partnered with the emerging undergraduate certificate program in Critical Sports Studies in the Department of Ethnic Studies. Roger will also be teaching a new course in the spring semester, ETHN 3104: The Governance of Sport. The goal of this course is to introduce students to issues of governance in various societal settings as viewed through the lens of sport. Students should emerge from this class with tools of critical thinking and analysis, along with greater substantive knowledge of various interesting and important cases in the governance of sport. If you are interested in learning more about STePPS, please contact Roger Pielke, Jr.