Ogmius Newsletter

Center Presentations

Lisa Dilling Talk at AGU Meeting

SlidesLisa Dilling gave a talk at the American Geophysical Union Fall 2013 meeting titled “The Dynamics of Vulnerability and Implications for Climate Change Adaptation: Lessons from Urban Water Management.” Her talk was part of the session on Climate Change Effects on Natural Hazards: Science, Communication and Policy. Her coauthors are Meaghan Daly, William Travis, Olga Wilhelmi, Roberta Klein, Doug Kenney, Andrea J. Ray, and Kathleen Miller. To view the presentation slides click here.


Center Presentations

Max Boykoff Talk at University of Copenhagen on Media and Climate Change

On October 22, Max Boykoff gave a talk at the University of Copenhagen’s Sustainability Science Centre on “What have future generations done for me lately? Making sense of the role of media in shaping awareness and engagement with climate change”. Max highlighted how particular problems in the web of interaction between science, media, policy and the public have contributed to (mis)perceptions, debates, and varied understandings to climate challenges. To view a webcast of this talk click here. To view the presentation slides click here.

Center Presentations

Climate Wise Women

SlidesOn October 6, Climate Wise Women Constance Okollet of Osukuru United Women’s Network and Ngozi Onuzo of Sierra Club’s Global Population and Environment provided a global platform for the promotion of women’s leadership on climate change. Through powerful personal narratives, Climate Wise Women gives a human face and voice to an issue that sits squarely at the nexus of the conversation on gender equality, environmental justice, food security, the eradication of extreme poverty, and public health. The event was cosponsored by Inside the Greenhouse, a project that Max Boykoff co-leads.