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Briefing #17, 1 October 2009

The Center for Science and Technology Policy Research is working to improve how science and technology policies address societal needs. Please let us know what information you might like to receive by emailing us.

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Center Highlights

Max Boyoff

Max Boyoff joins the Center


In August 2009, Max Boykoff joined our Center as a faculty member.Prior to this Max was a Research Fellow in the Environmental Change Institute (ECI), as well as a Department Lecturer in the School of Geography and the Environment, at the University of Oxford. His interests include the cultural politics of climate change and transformations of carbon-based economies and societies.


News Media Coverage on Climate Change Project Figure

New Media Coverage on Climate Change Project


This figure tracks newspaper coverage of climate change or global warming in 50 newspapers across 20 countries and 6 continents. Max Boykoff and Maria Mansfield first assembled this figure while conducting research at the University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute. They continue to update this figure on a monthly basis as a resource for journalists, researchers, and others who may be interested in tracking these trends. The chart contains data up to approximately six weeks from the present time, due to the timings of when some newspapers’ articles are made available through search engines. Read more on this project.

Ethics, Place & Environment

Benjamin Hale now co-editor of Ethics, Place & Environment


Benjamin Hale recently accepted co-editorship of the journal Ethics, Place & Environment where he will serve with Andrew Light (George Mason University and Center for American Progress), one of the journal's founders. They plan to strengthen the journal's focus on environmental policy, ethics, and philosophy, and will encourage environmental philosophers to engage in applied research on environmental problems. Upcoming articles include “Greenhouse Development Rights: A Proposal for a Fair Global Climate Treaty” and “A Shallow Route to Environmentally Friendly Happiness.” They invite members of the decision-making community with an interest in issues at the cross-section of policy and ethics to submit an article.

Recent Publications


What’s Wrong With the National Parks?
Cherney, D., and S. Clark, 2009. An Unfortunate Legacy From 1916, New York Times, Room for Debate, 27 September.


Special Issue for Journal of Sustainable Forestry
Clark, S.G., D.N. Cherney, M.S. Ashton, A. Bond, and A. Johnson (eds.). 2009. Development and Environmental Challenges in Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador. Special issue of Journal of Sustainable Forestry, Vol. 28, No. 6&7.


Special Theme Issue on the carbon economy for Environment & Planning A
Boykoff, M.T., and S. Randalls, 2009. Theme issue: Theorizing the carbon economy, Environment and Planning a, Volume 41, No. 10.


A policy brief on the needs, options and opportunities to improve the science-policy interface for more effective governance of biodiversity and ecosystem services
Koetz, T., Bridgewater, P., Miller, C., Norgaard, R., and R. Pielke, 2009. Science-Policy Interfaces for more effective governance of biodiversity and ecosystem services: Institutional mismatches, shifting paradigms, obstructions, and opportunities, Policy Brief on intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services.


Guest commentary for Science Progress
Hale, B., 2009. You Say “Solution,” I Say “Pollution”, Science Progress, Center for American Progress, August 18.


The ‘Celebritization’ of climate change
Boykoff, M. and M. Goodman, 2009. Conspicuous Redemption: Promises and Perils of Celebrity Involvement in Climate Change, Geoforum 40, pp. 395-406.


A critique of the cost-benefit analysis of climate engineering
Pielke, Jr., R.A., 2009. A Perspective Paper on Climate Engineering: Including an Analysis of Carbon Capture as a Response to Climate Change, Copenhagen Consensus Center.


Government should focus attention on workable solutions for improving energy efficiency
Pielke, Jr., R.A., 2009. The Folly of ‘Magical Solutions’ For Targeting Carbon Emissions, Yale Environment 360, July 29.


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