Climate Politics & Science-Policy
ENVS 5100/GEOG 5100-06

Week 14


April 15

  • reading summary #12 due by 10AM Wednesday via email
  • news/blog items #12


Fisher, D.R. (2013) Understanding the Relationship between Subnational and National Climate Change Politics in the United States: Toward a Theory of Boomerang Federalism, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 31(5) 769-784.

Kincaid, G., and Roberts, J.T. (2013). No Talk, Some Walk: Obama Administration First-Term Rhetoric on Climate Change and US International Climate Budget Commitments. Global Environmental Politics, 13(4), 41-60.

Swingedouw, E. (2013) The Non-political Politics of Climate Change, ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 12(1), 1-8.

Mert, A. (2013) Discursive Interplay and Co-constitution: Carbonification of Environmental Discourses, in Interpretive Approaches to Global Climate Governance: (De)constructing the Greenhouse Methman, Roth and Stephan (eds), Routledge, London, pp. 23-42.