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Climate Politics & Science-Policy
ENVS 5100/GEOG 5100-06

Week 9


March 11

  • reading summary #8 due by 10AM Wednesday via email
  • news/blog items #8


Gupta, J. (2012). Negotiating challenges and climate changeClimate Policy,12(5), 630-644.

Bailer, S. (2012). Strategy in the climate change negotiations: do democracies negotiate differently? Climate Policy12(5), 534-551.

Geck, M., Weng, X., Bent, C., Okereke, C., Murray, T., & Wilson, K. (2013). Breaking the impasse: towards a new regime for international climate governanceClimate Policy13(6), 777-784.

Derman, B.B. (2013) Climate Governance, Justice, and Transnational Civil Society. Climate Policy, 10.1080/14693062.2014.849492, 1-19.