The Problem Orientation: ENVS 5720/PSCI 7026

Week 13


Tuesday, April 7

  • reading summary #10 due by 9:30AM Monday via email

CASE #4: Decarbonization and climate change

Bridge, G. (2011) ‘Past peak oil: political economy of energy crises’ in Global Political Ecology Peet, R., Robbins, P. and Watts, M. (eds) Routledge, London (pp. 307-324).

Pielke, Jr. R.A. (2010) The Climate Fix, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 & Chapter 9 (pp. 61-80, 81-116, and 217-238).

Prins, G. et al (2010) The Hartwell Paper.

Oreskes, N. and Conway, E. (2014) The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future Columbia University Press, New York.