The Problem Orientation: ENVS 5720/PSCI 7026

Week 8


Tuesday, March 3

  • reading summary #6 due by 9:30AM Monday via email
  • mini-assignment #2 distributed in class (due Week 9)

CASE #2: population, poverty, consumption & the environment

Jiang, L. and Hardee, K. (2009) How do recent population trends matter to climate change?, Population Action International Working Paper #1, April, Washington D.C.

MacKellar, F.L., W. Lutz, A.J. McMichael, and A. Suhrke (1998) Population and climate change, in Human Choice and Climate Change: Volume 1 (Rayner, S. and E.L. Malon eds.), Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 89-193

Yapa, L. (1996). What causes poverty: a postmodern view, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 86(4), pp. 707-728.

Shrestha, N. (1997) On ‘what causes poverty: a postmodern view’, Annals of the Associations of American Geographers 87(4), pp. 709-716.

Yapa (1997) Reply: why discourse matters, materially, Annals of the Associations of American Geographers 87(4), pp. 717-722.