Creative climate communications
ENVS 3173/THTR 4173/ATLS 4173

Course Schedule
Week 4

Tuesday, February 5

  • vocal, physical, improvisational work/warm-up
  • discuss and process readings

Provided Readings:

Reading Response #3 due on Canvas before class

Hawken, Paul (2017). Drawdown, Food and Women & Girls, pages 37-82.

Markowitz, E., Hodge, C. and Harp, G. (2014). Connecting on Climate: A Guide to Effective Climate Change Communication, EcoAmerica & Columbia University Center for Research on Environmental Decisions ––“Crafting Your Message” pages 20-44.


Thursday, February 7

  • composition #1: group formations, designer selections
  • in class time on assignment to create interviews of a partner

Trash the Runway team = Ricki Booker, Rachel Lubanowski and Tanja Leonard