Creative climate communications
ENVS 3173/THTR 4173/ATLS 4173

Course Schedule
Week 7

Tuesday, February 26

[Invited] Max Edkins, World Bank Connect4Climate

Provided Readings:

Reading Response #6 due on Canvas before class

Hawken, Paul (2017). Drawdown, Coming Attractions, pages 171-219.

Boykoff, M. and M. K. Goodman (2009). Conspicuous redemption: Promises and perils of celebrity involvement in climate change. Geoforum 40 395-406, Published January 2009.


Thursday, February 28

  • vocal, physical, improvisational work/warm-up
  • composition #1 pitch and feedback (come with interview questions ready)

[Invited] Shannon Mancus, Colorado School of Mines