Policy, Science, and the Environment
ENVS 5000

Course Requirements

Weekly Email One Pagers

Every week you are expected to turn in a one-page essay. We have established a list-serv for the course. Details will be provided in class.  These should be submitted by the Sunday immediately preceding the relevant class. For some weeks I will suggest a question or theme to be addressed; for other weeks the topic will be open ended.  The purpose of this exercise is to allow you an opportunity to discuss aspects of the readings, integrate other material with the week’s focus, or to raise questions about what was unclear or unanswered by the readings.  A secondary purpose is to ensure that you have an opportunity to provide me with feedback on the class and your progress/satisfaction in the course.

Individual and group assignments

Periodically throughout the semester you will be responsible for individual and group assignments related to the week’s readings and topic. These will be discussed as the semester progresses. Some of the assignments will be associated with the semester-long term project.


Your grade will be determined as follows:

Weekly one pagers 25% (no late submissions)
Individual and group assignments 40% (periodically)
Term project 35%