Policy, Science, and the Environment
ENVS 5000

Week 16: December 6, 2011

Course Wrap Up/Grad Student panel

Lynn, Jr., L. 2001. The making and analysis of public policy: a perspective on the role of social science, Chapter 8, pp. 187-218 in D. L. Featherman and M. A, Vonovskis (eds.) Social Science and Policy-Making: A Search for Relevance in the Twentieth Century (University of Michigan Press).

Brunner, R. D. 1991. The policy movement as a policy problem, Policy Sciences 24:65-98.

Wildavsky, A. 1985. The once and future school of public policy, The Public Interest 79:25-41.

Clark, T., 2002. The Policy Process: A practical guide for natural resource professionals, Yale University Press.

Schelenberger, M. and T. Nordhaus, 2004. The Death of Environmentalism, The Breakthrough Institute.


ENVS Grad Student panel

Student Papers

Fisher, E., 2005. Lessons learned from the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications program (ELSI): Planning societal implications research for the National Nanotechnology Program, Technology in Society, 27:321-328.

Gent C.E., 2000. Needle exchange policy adoption in American cities: Why not? Policy Sciences, 33:125-153.

Logar, N. And L.K. Pollack, 2005. Transgenic fish: is a new policy framework necessary for a new technology? Environmental Science & Policy 8:17-27.

Vogel, J. M., 2004. Tunnel vision: The regulation of endocrine disruptors, Policy Sciences, 37:277-303.