Policy, Science, and the Environment
ENVS 5000

Week 12: November 8, 2011

Policy Options

Chapters 3, 4, 9 in:

Pielke, Jr., R.A., 2010. The Climate Fix: What Scientists and Politicians Won't Tell You About Global Warming, Basic Books.

Prins, G., Galiana, I., Green, C., Grundmann, R., Hulme, M., Korhola, A., Laird, F., Nordhaus, T., Pielke, Jr., R., Rayner, S., Sarewitz, D., Shellenberger, M., Stehr, N., and H. Tezuka (2010), The Hartwell Paper: A new direction for climate policy after the crash of 2009. Institute for Science, Innovation & Society, University of Oxford; LSE Mackinder Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science , 42 pp., Published May 2010.

Additional readings will be provided related to the lead up to Durban