The Governance of Sport
ETHN 3104

Tentative Schedule and Readings

Week 13 - April 8

  • Sport as a Laboratory 2 – How We Make Decisions

Pope, D. G. and M. E. Schweitz, 2011. Is Tiger Woods Loss Averse? Persistent Bias in the Face of Experience, Competition, and High Stakes, American Economic Review 101:129-157.

Parsons, C. A., J. Sulaeman, M. C. Yates, and D. S. Hamermesh, 2011. Strike Three: Discrimination, Incentives, and Evaluation, American Economic Review 101:1410-1435.

Pope, D., J. Price and J. Wolfers, 2013. Awareness Reduces Racial Bias, preliminary draft.

Massey, C. and Thaler, R. H., 2012. The Loser's Curse: Decision Making & Market Efficiency in the National Football League Draft, September 4.

**Optional for a deep dive: M. Mauboussin, 2012. The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and Investing, Harvard University Press.