The Governance of Sport
ETHN 3104

Tentative Schedule and Readings

Week 8 - March 4

  • Doping in Sport 2 – Decision Process

David, P. 2013. Overview of the Code and the World Anti-Doping Program, Chapter 2 pp. 52-77 in A Guide to the World Anti-Doping Code: The Fight for the Spirit of Sport (Cambridge University Press).

Houlihan, B. 2004. Civil rights, doping control and the World Anti-doping Code, Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics 7:420-437.

Houlihan, B. 2001. The World Anti-Doping Agency: Prospects for Success, Chapter 9 pp. 125-145 in Drugs and Doping in Sport: Socio-Legal Perspectives (J. O’Leary editor), (Cavendish, London).

Morgan, W. J. 2006. Fair is Fair, Or Is It?: A Moral Consideration of the Doping Wars in American Sport, Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics, 9:177-198.

Straubel, M. 2008. The International Convention Against Doping in Sport: Is It the Missing Link to USADA Being a State Actor and WADC Coverage of U.S. Pro Athletes? Marquette Sports Law Review 19:63-89.