Culture, Politics and Climate Change
ENVS 4800

Week 13
(November 15 & 17)

COMPONENT IV: BUSINESSES, NGOs & CELEBRITIES – neo-millennial charismatic megafauna

Tuesday, November 15

Prudham, S. (2009) Pimping Climate:  Richard Branson and the Performance of Green Capitalism, Environment and Planning A, 41(8), 1594-1613.

Freudenberg, W., Gramling, R. and Davidson, D. (2008) Scientific certainty argumentation methods (SCAMs): Science and the politics of doubt, Sociological Inquiry, 78(1), 2-38.

Pralle, S. (2006). I’m Changing the Climate, Ask Me How!: The Politics of the Anti-SUV Campaign, Political Science Quarterly 121(3), pp. 397-423.

Bottrill, C., M. Boykoff and D. Liverman (2009) First Step: UK Music Industry Greenhouse Gas Emissions for 2007, Environmental Research Letters, 5(1) doi:10.1088/1748-9326/5/1/014019.


Thursday, November 17

  • co-facilitation #9

Hulme, M. (2009) Why we disagree about climate change: understanding controversy, inaction and opportunity Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, Chapter 8 ‘The challenges of development’, 248-283.

Bryant, R.L. (2009). Born to be wild? Non-governmental organisations, politics and the environment, Geography Compass, 3(4), 1540-1558.

Cox, R. (2010) Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA, Chapter 7 ‘Environmental advocacy campaigns’ and Chapter 8 ‘Environmental justice/climate justice: voices from the grassroots’, 225-296.