Culture, Politics and Climate Change
ENVS 4800

Week 2
(August 30 & September 1)

COMPONENT I: OVERVIEW – institutions, actors, (collective) psychology

Tuesday, August 30

Hulme, M. (2009) Why we disagree about climate change: understanding controversy, inaction and opportunity Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, Chapter 2 ‘The discovery of climate science’, 35-71.

Cox, R. (2010) Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA, Chapter 1 ‘Studying environmental communication’, 13-44.

Adger, W. N., T. Benjaminsen, K. Brown, and H. Svarstad (2001) Advancing a political ecology of global environmental discourses, Development and Change 32,  681-715.

Pooley, E. (2010) The Climate War, Harper Collins: New York, Epilogue, 421-441.


Thursday, September 1

  • activity #1 ‘The Climate Reality Project’ introduced
  • co-facilitation #1

Hulme, M. (2009) Why we disagree about climate change: understanding controversy, inaction and opportunity, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, Chapter 3 ‘The performance of science’, 72-108.

Cox, R. (2010) Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA, Chapter 2 ‘Social/symbolic constructions of ‘environment’, 45-80.

Whitmarsh, L. (2009) What is in a name? Commonalities and differences in public understanding of ‘climate change’ and ‘global warming, Public Understanding of Science 18, 401-420.

Risbey, J.S. (2008) The new climate discourse: alarmist or alarming? Global Environmental Change, 18(1), pp. 26-37.