Inside the Greenhouse:
Utilizing Media to Communicate Positive Solutions for Climate Change
ENVS 3100

Course Schedule

Week 1

Tuesday, January 14

  • introductions
  • review schedule, goals, objectives, logistics, expectations, plans for the course
  • exercises to inspire expressiveness and creativity

Thursday, January 16

  • short media clips examples & discussions


  1. Plastic Bag by Ramin Bahrani—not sure where it should go, told from the point of view of a plastic bag through its life cycle
  2. Photography for a Change
  3. Coal: A Love Story, from Powering a Nation, University of North Carolina
  4. NCAR/UCAR ‘from dog walking to weather and climate’


[1-1:45pm]:Tim Riggs, Academic Media Services, ATLAS, Univ of Colorado

Bogart, Anne (2007) And Then You Act:  Making Art in an Unpredictable World, Routledge: New York, Introduction, 1-6.