Inside the Greenhouse:
Utilizing Media to Communicate Positive Solutions for Climate Change
ENVS 3100

Course Schedule

Week 5

Tuesday, February 11

  • vocal, physical, improvisational work 
  • in class work on Composition #1

(1-1:45pm): Dr. Susan Buhr, CIRES discussing assessments of efficacy


Thursday, February 13

Pablo Suarez (Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre, and Columbia University) & Janot Mendler de Suarez (Games for a New Climate Task Force, Boston University Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future)  via skype

Sign on to this game and play for at least a half an hour to understand how video games can be designed to address social issues. The BREAKAWAY Game & Toolkit, geared towards ages 8-15, available for play and download.

Suarez, P., Mendler de Suarez, J., Koelle, B. and Boykoff, M. (2013) Serious fun: scaling up community-based adaptation through experiential learning (Ayers, J., Schipper, L., Reid, H., Huq, S., and Rahman, A. (eds.)) Scaling up Community-based adaptation. London, Earthscan.