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Inside the Greenhouse:
Utilizing Media to Communicate Positive Solutions for Climate Change
ENVS 3100

Course Schedule

Week 10

Tuesday, March 18

  • in class presentations of Composition #2 (1st Completed Draft)
  • revisit discussions and planning of ITG process & product


Thursday, March 20

  • co-facilitation #6

Boykoff, M. (2011) Who Speaks for the Climate? Making Sense of Media Coverage of Climate Change, Cambridge Univ. Press, Chapter 4 ‘Placing climate complexity in context’, pp. 76-98; Chapter 5 ‘Climate stories: how journalistic norms shape media content’, 99-120; Chapter 6 ‘Signals and noise: covering human contributions to climate change’, 121-144; and Chapter 7 ‘Carbonundrums: consumption in the public sphere’, 145-166.