Inside the Greenhouse:
Utilizing Media to Communicate Positive Solutions for Climate Change
ENVS 3100
Course Schedule
Week 8
Tuesday, March 4
- vocal, physical, improvisational work
- Composition #1 & LOCC event feedback
- Composition #2 pitch & feedback
Thursday, March 6
- co-facilitation #4
Osnes, B. (2014) ‘Solar-powered Shadow Puppet Theater: Illuminates a Navajo Student Energy Forum’ working paper
Osnes, B. and Gammon, M. (2013) ‘Striking the Match: A Web-Based Performance To Illuminate Issues of Sustainability and Ignite Positive Social Change’ Sustainability: The Journal of Record 6(3), 167-170
Multi-modal/film clips
- NPR This American Life radio show
- Annie Leonard, ‘The Story of Solutions’
- Stephen Colbert ‘Heatsteria’
- explore ‘climate change’ and ‘global warming’ stories in The Onion: America’s Finest News Source
- explore ‘the best climate cartoons’ at Pinterest