CSTPR has closed May 31, 2020: Therefore, this webpage will no longer be updated. Individual projects are or may still be ongoing however. Please contact CIRES should you have any questions.

Inside the Greenhouse:
Utilizing Media to Communicate Positive Solutions for Climate Change
ENVS 3100

Course Schedule

Week 3

Tuesday, January 28

  • vocal, physical, improvisational work 
  • discussions of Composition #1


Thursday, January 30

  • co-facilitation #1  

Osnes, B. (2014) Theater for Women’s Participation in Sustainable Development Routledge, London, Chapter 1: Introduction (pp. 1-36)

Selfe, Cynthia (2007) Multimodal Composition, Hampton Press, Inc.: Cresskill, New Jersey, 1-28. (e-reserves, password “inside”)

Boykoff, M. (2011) Who Speaks for the Climate? Making Sense of Media Coverage of Climate Change, Cambridge Univ Press Chapter 1 ‘The world stage: cultural politics and climate change’, 1-29

Multi-modal/film clips